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We'd love to send you our newsletters by email. Don’t worry we won’t bombard you with emails, but will just send you our quarterly newsletters and sometimes an update in-between with the latest line-up of events. 

We'll always treat your personal details with the utmost care and will never sell them to other companies.

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Who are we?
We are a registered charity - The Solomon Browne Memorial Hall Association. 
Charity No: 1099313. Registered Office: Solomon Browne Hall, Duck Street, Mousehole, Penzance, Cornwall, TR19 6QW

We take privacy seriously and will treat your information with respect. We will duly and diligently safeguard the privacy and confidentiality of your data. We will never share your personal details with any third parties. Click Here to view our privacy policy.

You can change your mind at any time by emailing us at info@solomonbrownehall.co.uk with ‘unsubscribe me’ as the subject header. You can also use this email address to let us know of any changes to your contact details

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